【同义词辨析】 2019-06-18 力量power-might

power: may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon: the incredible ~ of flowing water.  latent潜藏的,指隐藏未显现但将来可能显现发展的implies a concealed power or quality that is not yet in sight or action but may emerge and develop in the future,如a latent sadism that emerged during the war潜藏的虐待狂在战争中显现出来,如latent disease潜伏期疾病)   在物理中这个词表示功率,如1P的空调功率是735W,即一小时耗电0.735度。

force: implies the actual effective exercise of power: used enough ~ to push the door open.  物理中力的符号是f

energy: applies to power expended or capable of being transformed into work: a social reformer of untiring ~.  物理中能量符号是E,如E=mC^2,叫做work,功是能量转化的量度

strength: applies to the quality or property of a person or thing that makes possible the exertion of force or the withstanding of strain, pressure, or attack: use weight training to build your ~.

might: implies great or overwhelming power or force: all of his ~ was needed to budge the boulder. 挪动巨石 (overwhelming巨大压倒性的不知如何应对的very great or strong, so powerful that one cannot resist or decide how to react,如they voted overwhelmingly against the proposal他们以压倒多数票反对这项提案)     如谚语might is right强权即公理,如might is right--that is the logic of imperialism强权即公理--这是帝国主义的逻辑(英文原文是强力即公理),如whatever you do, do it with all your might无论做什么,都要尽全力,是一篇伊索寓言的寓意,知道是哪一篇么?

power力量: 泛指身体思维精神的行动能力(ability to act),可以是潜藏的或使用的,force力、用力: 指实际使用力量,energy能量能源: 是消耗的或转化成功的力量,strength力量: 是人的属性,指能够用力或者抵抗紧张压力攻击,might巨大力量: 指巨大压倒性力量

记忆方法: 1)首字母PFESM想成SMF什么(方)法PE体育<==增强力量        


         3)力量的意思是用力的能力mean the ability to exert effort.首字母PFESM想成SMF什么(方)法,PE体育<==增强力量   effort努力用力,指有意识地使用能量to call up or direct one's energy by conscious will,如made the supreme effort and crossed the finish line尽最大的努力越过了终点线)